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MOU between University of Zanjan and Technical University of Kosice
MOU between University of Zanjan and Technical University of Kosice

Erasmus plus Memorandum of Understanding between University of Zanjan and Technical University of Kosice in Slovak on Erasmus Plus

(Erasmus +) is an EU-sponsored short-term scholarship program designed to transfer students and professors between universities and higher education institutions in Europe and around the world. Following the follow-up and removal of the obstacles resulting from the Corona epidemic, the ground for the finalization of the Erasmus Plus contract between the University of Zanjan and the Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia) has been prepared and we will soon see the implementation of this agreement. This agreement is in the form of Key Action 1 of the Erasmus plus program and includes the exchange of professors and students between the departments of geology and economics of the two universities. According to this agreement, one of the graduate students of University of Zanjan and one of the professors who are researching in one of the geological trends will be sent to Technical University of Kosice. Also, according to this agreement, three faculty members of Technical University of Kosice (Departments of Earth Sciences and Economics) can use this program for short trips to University of Zanjan. The above agreement, which is valid until 2022, has been extended for one year due to the corona epidemic. Faculty members from each of the two universities can study and research at the other university for one to two weeks and students for three months, for which they will receive a grant from the European Union at the Technical University of Kosice. This agreement was coordinated and signed by Dr. Majid Mirzaei Ataabadi, a faculty member of the Department of Geology, and Dr. Juraj Janocko, a faculty member of the Faculty of Earth Sciences of Technical University of Kosice, who have made several research trips to Iran and Zanjan University.

Date: 2021-09-29 12:15:30