Last Update: 6-4-2019
About Mechanical Engineering Department

The mechanical engineering department was inaugurated in 1995 by admitting the first group of students at the level of Associate’s degree. The department of mechanical engineering persisted to develop its activities by establishing the degree of Bachelor of Science for Thermo-Fluid and Solid Mechanics in 2002 and 2005, respectively. The first high-education level of mechanical engineering was founded in 2008 by offering Master’s degrees in Solid Mechanics. The department also offers doctoral degree in Solid Mechanics since January 2011. The extension of department continued by starting to present Master positions in Thermo-Fluid mechanics and Manufacturing Engineering since October 2012. The academic staff of the department consists of 17 full-time faculty members including 4 associate professors, 11 assistant professors, and 1 instructor. Besides department’s research and industrial activities, two research groups of “Smart structures” (headed by Dr. Omid Rahmani) and “Complex heat and flow simulation (CHFS)” (headed by Dr. Jafar Ghazanfarian) are conducting research in multidisciplinary fields. 

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