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Mehran Javanmard

آرمان غریبی چناری ، مهران جوانمرد ، رضا جمشیدی چناری ، فرهنگ فرخي
ارزیابی پتانسیل روانگرایی خاک شهر رشت با استفاده از داده های آزمایش های درجا
Potential Evaluation of Soil Liquefaction in City of Rasht by using In Situ Tests Data

The effect of liquefaction phenomena that usually happens in fine saturated sandy soils has an important effect in hazardous ground motions. Land slide, lateral spreading, bearing capacity failure and underground structure floating are various kinds of failures due to soil liquefaction. Liquefaction softens soil and causes large periodic displacements in soil layers. Some zones in Rasht include sandy soils. So, to provide a map of liquefaction zoning of this city looks necessary especially due to high level of water table. For this purpose, a complete data base including physical and mechanical soil parameters of this zone, soil type, SPT data and … has obtained using existing geotechnical observations has been used. In this paper, liquefaction potential for various sections and profiles has been calculated, and finally a relatively complete liquefaction zoning of Rasht has been presented. Keywords: liquefaction, Rasht, zoning



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