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Hossein Kouhestani

مهری کرمی محمد ابراهیمی حسین کوهستانی
ویژگی های زمین شناسی و کانه زایی رخداد معدنی آهن لولک آباد، خاور ماه نشان
Geological and mineralization characteristics of Lulak Abad iron occurrence, east of Mahneshan

Lulak Abad iron occurrence is located in northwestern part of the Central Iran, 70 km west of Zanjan. Rock units exposed in the study area consist of metamorphosed (Kahar formation) and granitic (Moghanloo granite) rocks. Iron mineralization occurs as vein, veinlet and lens-shaped bodies. The main host rocks are schist and metamorphosed tuff units of Kahar formation. In addition, parts of iron mineralization hosted by granitic rocks. Alteration is restricted to hematitic and limonitic parts of the ore zones. Based on field and macroscopic studies, oligiste is the main ore mineral which is accompanied with minor magnetite and pyrite. Quartz and calcite are present as gangue minerals. The ore minerals show vein-veinlets, breccia and open space filling textures. This study indicates that iron mineralization in the Lulak Abad occurrence seems to be hydrothermal vein mineralization.



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