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Amir Masoud Rahimi

امیرمسعود رحيمی، احسان رمضانی خوانساری
توسعه الگوریتم غذایابی کندوی زنبور عسل برای حل مسئله مسیریابی خودرو
Bee Hive`s Foraging Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem

Finding a shortest path that a vehicle goes through all points with static coordinate, and finally back to the initial point is one kind of vehicle routing problems. This problem is called traveling salesman problem, which has many applications in transportation engineering and other science. Deterministic methods (mathematical) have been shown unsuitable for such complicated problems. Therefore, in this paper has been tried to solve this problem by modifying bee colony algorithm, one of the recent optimization algorithms.  Results demonstrate the proposed bee colony algorithm has suitable ability to solve the problem, comparison to the other optimization methods.



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