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Amir Masoud Rahimi

اميرمسعود رحيمي، سيدرامتين باقري، رضا شهني‌دزفوليان، آرش مظاهري
ارزيابي استفاده از انواع تقاطعهاي غيرمتعارف به منظور بهبود جريان ترافيک در راه‌های شرياني‌ برون شهری
Evaluation of using unconventional intersection for improving traffic flow along suburban arterial roads

Look at the History of Transportation shows that efficient transport system, an important factor for the preservation and conservation of cities from ancient times to modern age .Technological and economic development of human society, human evolution happened very fast. With skyrocketing demand in the Networks, the traffic is not carried out to meet the transport demand. In such Networks, management solutions in the field of supply and demand, generally using a temporary solution to the problems remain. That is why other methods known as Unconventional method, used. One of these methods is U-turns. U-turn maneuver is one of the most complicated maneuvers which recently welcomed researchers. In this study, the Kermanshah - Biston highway were studied. Data collection was performed in one day with normal weather conditions for 6 hours using video techniques. After Data analyzing, network was modeled in Aimsun micro simulation. Considering the U-turn’s current condition in the study area, five scenarios were designed to find the best way to U-turn maneuver must be matched. Each scenario was simulated 5 times and each time for 1 hour. The simulations’ results revealed that replacing current U-turn with underpass is the best scenario in study area based on measure of effectiveness, so that network’s delays and travel time improved. Considering the data collection, validation on the simulation Model was performed and the results confirmed the accuracy of the model.



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