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Abbasali Zamani

Hamid Badiee, Mohammad Ali Zanjanchi, Abbasali Zamani, Armin Fashi
A four-hollow fibers geometry of revolving solvent bar microextraction setup for the enrichment of trace ammonia
چینش هندسی چهار الیاف توخالی  در  میکرواستخراج سالونت بار چرخشی برای غنی سازی آمونیاک در مقدار کم

In this work, for the first time, a revolving solvent bar microextraction (RSBME) system was introduced as an efficient alternative method to conventional SBME. The setup proposed for RSBME provides a stable and repeatable method to increase the preconcentration factor. In order to provide the maximum extraction capacity of the organic acceptor phase, four-hollow fibers were applied. In this setup, an electrical motor driving rotator was employed as mechanical support for the hollow fibers and also to stir the donor phase during extraction time. The applicability of this technique was assessed by preconcentration-determination of ammonia in the environmental water samples. The effective factors on the RSBME efficiency were examined and optimized. Under the optimized RSBME conditions, ammonia was quantified by microcell UV–Vis spectrophotometry, with extensive linearity ranging from 15 to 1000 µg L−1(R2=0.9972), and RSD values less than 3.5%. A pre-concentration of 372-fold with the detection limit of 4.5 µg L−1was achieved. The green character of this technique was evaluated based on the analytical Eco-Scale tool and compared with a reference method. The setup proposed can be applied for the simultaneous extraction of acidic and basic compounds from biological and environmental samples in the near future.



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