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Rasool Moradi-Joz

Moradi-Joz, Rasool
Translation Studies Research Paradigms

This study sets out to shed some light on translation studies research paradigms through some philosophical notions and arguments adduced in philosophy of science. It also discusses the pros and cons of knowledge and action oriented research paradigms, having an eye for their application in TS research. By way of example, it reports on the limitations of CDA oriented translation research based on the researcher’s experience in the field. It is concluded that according to the binary distinction of qualitative and quantitative approaches and also to pragmatic and critical theory, four major paradigms of TS theories and consequently research are distinguishable. The findings show that fuzzy logic tenets consideration could be highly promising in opting for TS research paradigm, methodology, design, method and implementation, on the grounds that a piece of reliable research is the one in which validity and reliability, as a corollary to empiricism and objectivism, and credibility and authenticity, as a corollary to interpretivism and subjectivism, are duly taken into consideration. Keywords: philosophy of science, constructivism, positivism, fuzzy logic



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