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Nasrollah Abbassi

Hadi, M., Mosaddegh, H., Abbassi, N.
Biostratigraphic Interpretation and Systematics of Some Alveolina Species Assemblages in the Ziarat Formation from Soltanieh Mountains (Western Alborz)
تفسیر زیست چینه نگاری و سیستماتیک برخی گونه های آلوئولینای سازند زیارت از کوههای سلطانیه (البرز باختری)

Carbonate successions of the Ziarat Formation with introduce the Baghdareh and Gheynarjeh sections in the Soltanieh Mountains(southern Zanjan) are rare locality in the western Alborz zone,which are contains of great abundance of large benthic foraminifera (LBF), particularly species of Alveolina. In fact, from this succession described some of Alveolina species and their comparative stratigraphic distribution with the Alveolina species in the Tethyan basin which is represent close affinities with coeval Alveolina assemblages described in diVerent studies from this province. Also, this correlation shows Ilerdian-Cusianstages of study area that characterized by A. ellipsoidalis, A. laxa, A. tumida, A.cemali, A.aragonensis, A. pisiformis,A.rotundata, A.subpyrenaica, A. cf. canavari, A. canavari, A.ex gr. cremae species.



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