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Naser Dalali

Publications in Journals

51.  Narges VaeziNaser Dalali
Fast determination of Cd (II) and Co(II) ions in environmental samples after vortex-assisted dispersive solid phase microextraction using ZIF-8
JOURNAL OF DISPERSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue doi.org/10.1080/019326 (2024-11-26PP. 1-15 
50.  Narges VaeziNaser Dalali
Ion Pair Solvent Bar Microextraction of Paraquat from Soil Samples Prior to Determination by UV–Vis Spectrophotometry
WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION Issue 10.1007s11270-024-07348-2/ (2024-08-07PP. 535-589 
49.  Narges VaeziNaser Dalali
Preparation of IL @Z IF - 8 composite as a new adsorbent for preconcentration of Cd (I I) and Co (I I) ions from environmental samples with vortex - assisted dispersive solid phase microextraction
MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL Issue .doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2024 (2024-06-24PP. 1-13 
48.  Parinaz PourahmadiNaser DalaliMehrdad HamidiAziz Maleki
Selective Simple Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Repaglinide by Functionalized SBA-15 Nanoadsorbent
47.  Hesam daneshyarNaser DalaliHamid Ahmadi
Colorimetric Determination of Diazinon in Environmental Water Samples Based on Sensitive Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Silver Nanoparticles
  نشریه علمی
لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC
46.  ریحانه رفاهتیناصر دلالیحمیده کلهر
Determination of Diphenylamine Residue in Fruit Samples Using Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Coupled with Ion Mobility Spectrometry
شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران(Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering) شماره Vol. 41, No. 12 (1401/01/17صفحات 4046-4055 
45. Naser DalaliMir Mahdi Aboulghasemi
Selectively Determination Trace Amounts of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Water and Wastewater Matrices Using Graphitic Carbon Nitride/Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposite on Porous Anodized Aluminum Wire as SPME Fiber
POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC COMPOUNDS Issue doi.org/10.1080/10406638.2021 (2021-02-15PP. 1-10 
44. Naser DalaliMir Mahdi Aboulghasemi
Synthesis of graphitic carbon nitride on 3D porous anodized aluminum wire as new fiber for microextraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water and wastewater samples
SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2020.183 (2020-10-07PP. 1-9 
43.  Hadi HabibiNaser DalaliAli Ramazani
Decoration of maleic/acrylic acid onto CoFe2O4 as a high-performance nanosorbent for the removal of lead(II) and cadmium(II) from environmental samples
SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue DOI:10.1080/01496395.2020.1811 (2020-09-20PP. 1-11 
42.  bahman farajmandNaser DalaliSoheila KeshavarzMuhammad Shadman
Application of MIL-53(Al) prepared from waste materials for solid-phase microextraction of propranolol followed by corona discharge-ion mobility spectrometry (CD-IMS)
41.  Samad shokouhi radNaser DalaliTahmineh Baheri
Combination of magnetic solid-phase extraction with dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction followed by GC-MS for trace analysis of synthetic cannabinoids in plasma samples
Micro & Nano Letters Issue Vol. 15, Issue8 (2020-07-22PP. 545-549 
40.  Maryam Bani HashemianNaser DalaliNegar sehatibahman farajmand
Decoration of Fe3O4@SiO2@ZnO as a high performance nanosorbent on a stir bar microextraction device for preconcentration and determination of cadmium in real water samples
MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL Issue 154 (2020-05-15PP. 1-9 
39.  Toba RezazadehNaser DalaliNegar sehati
Investigation of adsorption performance of graphene oxide/polyaniline reinforced hollow fiber membrane for preconcentration of Ivermectin in some environmental samples

38.  مسعود کازرانی نژاداعظم اخوانناصر دلالی
Removing aromatic organic compounds of phenol and furfural from petroleum refinary wastewater using electron beams
مجله علوم و فنون هسته ای شماره 80 (1396/08/17صفحات 35-43 
37.  Farhad GharehbaghiNaser DalaliEbrahim AhmadiHossein danafar
Preparation of wormlike polymeric nanoparticles coated with silica for delivery of methotrexate and evaluation of anticancer activity against MCF7 cells
36.  Mina habibizadehKobra rostami zadehNaser DalaliAli -
Preparation and characterization of PEGylated multiwall carbon nanotubes as covalently conjugated and non-covalent drug carrier: A comparative study
Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications Issue  74 (2017-03-16PP. 1-9 
با هیات تحریریه
35.  نرگس واعظیناصر دلالیمهدی حسینی
Nano-SiO2 Modified by CTAB and Oxime Ligand for Separation and Preconcentration of Trace Amount of Cu(II) in Real Environmental Samples
Iranian Journal Of Analytical Chemistry شماره Volume 4, Issue 1 (1395/12/20صفحات 59-66 
34.  Naser DalaliMasoud kazerani nezhadAzam Akhavan
Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater samples using electron beam radiation in the presence of TiO2
Desalination and Water Treatment Issue doi: 10.5004/dwt.2017.20503 (2017-01-13PP. 1-9 
33.  Naser DalaliMasoud kazerani nezhadAzam Akhavan
Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater containing furfural by electron beam irradiation
Desalination and Water Treatment Issue doi: 10.1080/19443994.2016.113 (2016-01-25PP. 1-8 
32.  Negar sehatiNaser DalaliSoltanpour shahlaMir Saeed seyeddoraji
Application of hollow fiber membrane mediated with titaniumdioxide nanowire/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite inpreconcentration of clotrimazole and tylosin
JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A Issue 1420 (2015-10-21PP. 46-53 
31.  Naser DalaliAsghar haghi almachvan
Removal of cadmium from aqueous solutions by walnut green husk as a low-cost biosorbent
Desalination and Water Treatment Issue 1 (2015-07-01PP. 1-13 
30.  Omid narimaniNaser DalaliKobra rostami zadeh
Functionalized carbon nanotube/ionic liquidcoated wire as a new fiber assembly for determination of methamphetamine and ephedrine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Analytical Methods Issue 6 (2014-10-15PP. 8645-8653 
29.  Mehdi HosseiniNaser DalaliMoghadasifar somayeh
Ionic Liquid for Homogeneous Liquid−Liquid Microextraction Separation/Preconcentration and Determination of Cobalt in Saline Samples
JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Issue 69 (2014-10-10PP. 1141-1146 
28.  Naser DalaliMina habibizadehKobra rostami zadehShima nakisa
Synthesis of magnetite multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite and its application for removal of basic dyes from aqueous solutions
Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering Issue 9 (2014-08-08PP. 552-561 
27.  Negar sehatiNaser DalaliSoltanpour shahlaMir Saeed seyeddoraji
Extraction and preconcentration of tylosin from milk samples through functionalized TiO2 nanoparticles reinforced with a hollow fiber membrane as a novel solid/liquid-phase microextraction technique
JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE Issue 37 (2014-08-01PP. 2025-2031 
26.  Naser DalaliHadi Habibi
Facilitated transport of cadmium by bulk liquid membrane using Aliquat 336 as carrier: separation from other heavy metal ions
Desalination and Water Treatment Issue 1 (2014-07-16PP. 1-9 
25.  Mehdi HosseiniNaser Dalali
Use of Ionic Liquids for Trace Analysis of Methyl tert-butyl Ether in Water Samples using in situ Solvent Formation Microextraction Technique and Determination by GC/FID
SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue 49 (2014-06-30PP. 1889-1894 
24.  Bahram MokhtariNaser DalaliKobra poorabdollah
Taguchi L32 Orthogonal Array Design for Evaluation of Three Dispersive Microextraction Methods: A Case Study for Determination of Methyl Methacrylate in Produced Water by DLLME, DLLME-SLW, DLLME-SFO
23.  Bahram MokhtariNaser DalaliKobra poor abbdollah
Separation and Determination of Diol Pollutants Come from Demulsifier in the Produced Water of Oil Fields
22.  Bahram MokhtariNaser DalaliKobra poorabdollah
Dispersive Liquid–Liquid Extraction based on Freezing of the Organic Drop, Followed by GC for the Determination of Methyl Methacrylate in Wastewater
CHROMATOGRAPHIA Issue 76 (2013-05-10PP. 565-570 
21.  Bahram MokhtariNaser DalaliKobra poor abbdollah
Preconcentration and determination of methyl methacrylate by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction
JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE Issue 36 (2013-01-15PP. 356-361 
20.  Mehdi HosseiniNaser Dalali
Online solid-phase extraction coupled to flame atomic absorption spectrometry for determination of trace amounts of copper (II) ion in water samples
19.  Bahram MokhtariNaser DalaliKobra poor abbdollah
Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society Issue 57 (2012-09-15PP. 1428-1431 
18.  Mehdi HosseiniNaser DalaliSaeid mohammadnezhad abandansari
A New Mode of Homogeneous Liquid–liquid Microextraction (HLLME) Based on Ionic Liquids: In Situ Solvent Formation Microextraction (ISFME) for Determination of Lead
17.  Naser Dalali
Separation ofzincandcadmiumfromnickeland cobalt by facilitated transport through bulk liquid membrane using trioctyl methyl ammonium chloride as carrier
ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام)
16.  Mehdi HosseiniNaser DalaliSaeid Mohammad nejad
Preconcentration of trace amounts of copper(II) on octadecyl sikica membrane disks modified with......
International journal of Industrial chemistry Issue 4 (2012-05-05PP. 1-6 
15.  Naser DalaliMarziyeh shouri aghmashhadiShima nakisa
Solid phase extraction based on modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes packed column for enrichment of copper and lead on-line incorporated with flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue 9 (2012-03-15PP. 181-188 
14.  Mehdi HosseiniNaser DalaliSaeid mohammadnezhad abandansariRostam Jamali
In Situ Solvent Formation Microextraction based on Ionic Liquids and 1-(2-Hydroxynaphtalene-1-yl)ethane Oxime for Determination of Zinc
13.  Naser Dalali, Mina zarnegarKarim Ghasemi
Comparison of partial least squares and artificial neural network chemometric techniques in determination of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim in pharmaceutical suspension by ATR–FTIR spectrometry
SPECTROSC-INT J Issue 2 (2011-10-15PP. 105-114 
12.  Naser DalaliLeila farhangiMehdi Hosseini
Solid Phase Extraction for Selective Separation/Preconcentration of Copper Using N-benzoyl N-phenylhydroxyl Amine as Sorbent Modifier
11.  Bahram MokhtariKobra poor abbdollahNaser Dalali
Applications of Nano-baskets of Calixarenes in Chromatography
CHROMATOGRAPHIA Issue 9-10 (2011-05-01PP. 829-847 
10.  Bahram MokhtariKobra poor abbdollahNaser Dalali
Molecule and ion recognition of nano - baskets of calixarenes since 2005
9.  Nasrin JavadiNaser Dalali
Cloud point extraction for on - line trace determination of copper (II) by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue 8 (2011-03-15PP. 231-239 
8.  Bahram MokhtariKobra poorabdollahNaser Dalali
Analytical applications of calixarenes from 2005 up-to-date
J INCL PHENOM MACRO Issue 69 (2011-02-15PP. 1-55 
7.  Bahram MokhtariKobra poorabdollahNaser Dalali
A review of calixarene applications in nuclear industries
6.  Mehdi HosseiniNaser DalaliAli KarimiKourosh dastanra
Solid phase extraction of copper, nickel and cobalt in water samples using surfactant coated alumina modified with indane-1,2,3- trione 1,2-dioxime and determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
TURKISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY Issue 34 (2010-04-15PP. 805-814 
5.  Naser Dalali
Synergic extraction ofcopper withN-Phenyl benzohydroxamic acid and tri-n-octyl phosphinoxide or tributylphosphate
4.  Mir Mahdi zahedi dizjiNaser DalaliYadollah Yamini
Cloud point extraction flow injection- atomic absorption spectrometry for determination of lead in water samples
CAN J ANAL SCI SPECT Issue 1 (2009-02-15PP. 23-30 
3.  Naser Dalali
On-line Incorporation of Cloud Point Extraction in Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Determination of Silver
TURKISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY Issue 5 (2008-11-30PP. 561-570 
ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام)
2.  Naser DalaliMir Mahdi zahedi dizjiYadollah Yamini
Simultaneous Cloud Point Extraction and Determination of Zn, Co, Ni and Pb by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Using 2-Guanidinobenzimidazole as the Complexing Agent
Scientia Iranica Issue 4 (2007-09-06PP. 291-296 
1.  Naser Dalali
Liquid- Liquid extraction of ultra trace amounts of Technetium produced by 100 Mo(p.2n)99mTc nuclear reaction in Cyclotron

Presentations in Seminars & Conferences

ملی معتبر 121. نرگس واعظیناصر دلالی
Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction (HF-SPME) with ZIF-8@GO reinforced sol-gel for preconcentration of paraquat prior to determination by UV -Vis spectrophotometry
کنگره شیمی ایران سازمان پژوهش های علمی و صنعتی ایران و انجمن شیمی ایران, تهران, 1403/02/24 - 1403/02/26
ملی معتبر 120. نرگس واعظیناصر دلالی
Preparation of IL@ZIF-8 composite as a new adsorbent for preconcentration of Cd(II) ions from environmental samples with vortex assisted dispersive solid phase microextraction
کنگره شیمی ایران سازمان پژوهش های علمی و صنعتی ایران و انجمن شیمی ایران, تهران, 1403/02/24 - 1403/02/26
ملی معتبر 119. نرگس واعظیناصر دلالی
Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) as an adsorbent for vortex assisted dispersive solid phase microextraction of Co(II) ions from environmental samples prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometry
کنگره شیمی ایران سازمان پژوهش های علمی و صنعتی ایران و انجمن شیمی ایران, تهران, 1403/02/24 - 1403/02/26
ملی معتبر 118. Hassan SafariNaser Dalali
Removal of Direct Black 38 Pigment Using SPE Method by LDH Al-Zn from Aqueous Samples
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25
ملی معتبر 117. Maryam Bani HashemianNaser Dalalibahman farajmandNegar sehati
Application of hollow fiber stir bar solid/liquid phase microextraction for determination of Chlorpyrifos in water and fruit juice samples
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25
ملی معتبر 116. Narges VaeziNaser Dalali
Determination of Cobalt Ions from the Environmental Samples using IL-ZIF(8) Followed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25
ملی معتبر 115. Narges VaeziNaser Dalali
Vortex Assisted Dispersive Solid Phase Microextraction of Cd(II) using Zeolite Imidazolate Framework (ZIF-8) from Environmental Samples before FAAS Determination
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25
ملی معتبر 114. الهام عبدیناصر دلالینرگس واعظی
Evaluation of removal ability of Daylily(Hemero Callis) as solid adsorbent for cadmium ions
سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه اراک و انجمن شیمی ایران, اراک, 1398/06/12 - 1398/06/13
ملی معتبر 113. صفیه محمدیناصر دلالینرگس واعظی
Investigation of behavior magnetic activated carbon prepared Iris paint for removal of cadmium ions
سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه اراک و انجمن شیمی ایران, اراک, 1398/06/12 - 1398/06/13
ملی معتبر 112. Maryam Bani HashemianNaser DalaliNegar sehatibahman farajmand
Determination of cadmium in water samples by stir bar sorptive-dispersive microextraction and flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry انجمن شیمی ایران و دانشگاه تبریز , تبریز, 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-05
ملی معتبر 111. Samad shokouhi radHamid AbdollahiNaser DalaliTahmineh BaheriNematollah Omidikia
Direct Classification of Seized Heroin Samples with FT-ATR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Discriminant Analysis
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry انجمن شیمی ایران و دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-05
ملی معتبر 110. Samad shokouhi radHamid AbdollahiNaser DalaliTahmineh BaheriNematollah Omidikia
Exploratory Analysis of Seized Heroin Samples Using Gas Chromatography and Chemometrics
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry انجمن شیمی ایران و دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-05
ملی معتبر 109. Naser DalaliAhmad Najafi
Activated carbon produced from Iris plant: Equilibrium and thermodynamical behavior in the removal of Cd (II) ions
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شهید مدنی آذربایجان و انجمن شیمی ایران, تبریز, 2017-08-30 - 2017-09-01
ملی معتبر 108. Soheila KeshavarzNaser Dalalibahman farajmandMuhammad Shadman
Application of MIL-53(Al) Metal Organic Framework for Solid-Phase Microextraction of Propranolol from Real Samples and Analysis by Ion Mobility Spectrometery
== دانشگاه زنجان و انجمن شیمی ایران, زنجان, 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-28
ملی معتبر 107. Rahil soleymani varzaghanibahman farajmandNaser Dalaliparvaneh nakhostin panahi
Application of montmorillonite nanoclay for microextraction of melamine from dairy products and analysis by ion mobility spectrometry
== دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-28
ملی معتبر 106. ناصر دلالیسپیده لطفی
Application of ionic liquids for extraction/preconcentration of Cadmiumby dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction prior to determination by atomic absorption spectrometry
کنگره علوم و مهندسی آب و فاضلاب ایران انجمن آب و فاضلاب ایران, تهران, 1395/11/26 - 1395/11/27
ملی معتبر 105. ارزو ساعدیکبری رستمی زادهناصر دلالیناهید احمدی
Impact of the type of liquid lipid on the features of nanostructured lipid carriers
همایش نانو پزشکی ایران دانشگاه علوم پزشکی زنجان- دانشکده داروسازی, زنجان, 1395/07/06 - 1395/07/08
ملی معتبر 104. پریناز پوراحمدیحمیدی مهردادناصر دلالیعزیز ملکی
Solid-Phase Extraction Based on Modified Mesoporous Silica for Analysis of Repaglinide as Hydrophobic Model Drug
همایش نانو پزشکی ایران دانشگاه علوم پزشکی زنجان-دانشکده داروسازی, زنجان, 1395/07/06 - 1395/07/08
ملی معتبر 103. Toba RezazadehNaser DalaliNegar sehati
Polyaniline – Graphene Oxide Reinforced Hollow Fiber Membrane Solid/Liquid Phase Microextraction Technique for Preconcentration of Ivermectin in some Dairy Products
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه صنعتی شریف- انجمن شیمی ایران, تهران, 2016-08-30 - 2016-09-01
ملی معتبر 102. Maedeh dehghandarNaser Dalali
Application of synthesized room temperature ionic liquid for separation/preconcentration of Naproxen by in situ solvent formation microextraction
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry پژوهشگاه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران-انجمن شیمی ایران, تهران, 2016-01-26 - 2016-01-28
ملی معتبر 101. Toba RezazadehNaser DalaliNegar sehati
Application of Supported Liquid Hollow Fiber Membrane for Preconcentration of Ivermectin in Some Dairy Products
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry پژوهشگاه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران-انجمن شیمی ایران, تهران, 2016-01-26 - 2016-01-28
ملی معتبر 100. Negar sehatiNaser DalaliMir Saeed seyeddorajiToba Rezazadeh
Fe3O4/RGO NanocompositeReinforced with Hollow Fiber Membrane as a Highly EfficientAdsorbent for Preconcentration of Ketamine
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry پژوهشگاه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران-انجمن شیمی ایران, تهران, 2016-01-26 - 2016-01-26
بین‌المللی 99. Negar sehatiNaser DalaliMir Saeed seyeddoraji- -
TiO2 nanoparticles decorated on graphene oxide as high performance adsorbents supported by hollow fiber membrane in a microextraction technique
International Biennial Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials University of Trento- University of Tehran, تهران, 2015-11-11 - 2015-11-12
ملی معتبر 98. Naser DalaliSoheila Sedaghati
Use of ionic liquids for concentration /separation some of organic pollutants such as Pesticides and insecticides by in situ solvent formation microextraction method and Determination by UV–Vis spectrophotometry
Iranian chemistery congress انجمن شیمی ایران, سمنان, 2015-08-30 - 2015-09-01
ملی معتبر 97. ناصر دلالینازیلا زنجانیفرهاد قره باغیامید نریمانی
Separation and concentration of chloramphenicol by UA-IL-DLLME and its determination by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست انجمن شیمی ایران و دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بقیه الاه (عج), تهران, 1394/06/04 - 1394/06/05
ملی معتبر 96. Parisa NadriNaser Dalali
Separation and preconcentration of methamphetamine by dispersive liquidliquid microextraction (DLLME) and determination by gas chromatography
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شهید چمران, اهواز, 2015-03-14 - 2015-03-16
ملی معتبر 95. Negar sehatiNaser DalaliMir Saeed seyeddoraji
Preconcentration and determination of trace amounts of tylosin in milk samples by TiO2 modified hallow fiber
- دانشگاه علوم پزشکی, تهران, 2015-02-22 - 2015-02-23
ملی معتبر 94. خاطره پرندیناصر دلالیامید نریمانی
Application of newly synthesized ionic liquid and Cr 2 O 3 nanoparticles for determination of methadone in serum by HS - SPME method coupled with GC - FID
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه ولی‌عصر, رفسنجان, 1393/06/10 - 1393/06/12
ملی معتبر 93. ناصر دلالیزینب اسماعیلی نجف آبادنگار صحتی
Biosorption of phenazopyridine as a drug from wastewater by palm shell fiber , using experimental design: Sorption equilibrium and kinetics studies
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه ولی‌عصر, رفسنجان, 1393/06/10 - 1393/06/12
ملی معتبر 92. ناصر دلالیندا افلاطونی
Head space solid phase microextraction of ethyl tert - butyl ether using carbon nanotube - coated iron fiber and determination by gas chromatography
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه ولی‌عصر, رفسنجان, 1393/06/10 - 1393/06/12
ملی معتبر 91. ناصر دلالیسمیرا کشاورزنجفیمهدی حسینی
Application of synthesized room temperature ionic liquid for separation /concentration of Nickel by in situ solvent formation microextraction
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه ولی‌عصر, رفسنجان, 1393/06/10 - 1393/06/12
ملی معتبر 90. اباسط رحمانیناصر دلالیسهراب رحمانی آغکند
Electrochemical and Chemical Synthesized of p olyaniline (Pani) and preparation of composite of ( Pani/polyvinyl acetate/ iron Glue ) s tock ed on to Pb anode for zinc electro - winning process
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه ولی‌عصر, رفسنجان, 1393/06/10 - 1393/06/12
بین‌المللی 89. Naser DalaliMasoud kazerani nezhadAzam Akhavan
Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater containing phenolic compounds by electron beam irradiation
2nd International conference on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process Science and Research Pioneers Institute, Turkey, 2014-07-09 - 2014-07-11
ملی معتبر 88. Naser DalaliKhatereh parandi
Head space solid-phase microextraction of methadone prior to determination by gas chromatography-flame ionization detector
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان, اصفهان, 2014-02-25 - 2014-02-27
ملی معتبر 87. Naser DalaliHaghigheh Fathi
TiO2-nanoparticles modified with cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide as solid sorbent for preconcentration of parathion prior to determination by gas chromatography
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان, اصفهان, 2014-02-25 - 2014-02-27
ملی معتبر 86. Maryam gholami kousjiNaser DalaliOmid narimani
Preconcentration of nickel in waste water by ultrasound-assisted ionic liquid cold induced aggregation dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان, اصفهان, 2014-02-25 - 2014-02-27
ملی معتبر 85. بهناز علی بابائیان قزوینیمهدی حسینیناصر دلالینرگس واعظی
Application of biosorbent natural for extraction/preconcentration of lead ions in water and wastewater samples
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه یزد, یزد, 1392/06/16 - 1392/06/18
ملی معتبر 84. مهدی حسینیزینب فضلیناصر دلالیبهناز علی بابائیان قزوینینرگس واعظی
Preconcentration and determination of zinc ion from aqueous solutions onto Pistachio shell as a low-cost biosorbent
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه یزد, یزد, 1392/06/16 - 1392/06/18
ملی معتبر 83. سعیده فتاح پورمهدی حسینیناصر دلالی
Ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (USADLLME) for simultaneous determination of copper and nickel in real samples
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه یزد, یزد, 1392/06/16 - 1392/06/18
ملی معتبر 82. مهدی حسینیبهناز علی بابائیان قزوینیناصر دلالینرگس واعظی
In situ solvent formation microextraction using ionic liquid for cobalt determination in real and saline samples
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه یزد, یزد, 1392/06/16 - 1392/06/18
ملی معتبر 81. Naser DalaliAsghar haghi almachvanOmid narimani
Adsorptive removal of lead from aqueous solutions by walnut green husk
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28
ملی معتبر 80. Naser DalaliMina sadraraShima nakisa
Application of responsesurface method for optimizing dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction of thiophenolprior to determination by gas chromatography in water sample
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28
ملی معتبر 79. Khatereh parandiNaser DalaliOmid narimaniMohammad masoudi farid
NiO/ionic liquid/sol gel coating for headspace solid-phase microextraction of thiophenol in water by gas chromatography-flame ionization detection
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28
ملی معتبر 78. Hadi HabibiNaser DalaliHossein ZareiAbaset RahmaniSaeid SalehiMohammad Abdi
Experimental design for acid leaching of cold filter cake and subsequent liquid-liquid extraction of Ni content with LIX984N as extractant
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28
ملی معتبر 77. Negar sehatiNaser DalaliMehdi Hosseini
Determination of cadmiumin the real saline samples by in situ solvent formation microextraction (ISFME) method using an ionic liquid as solvent
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28
ملی معتبر 76. Omid narimaniNaser DalaliKobra rostami zadehKhatereh parandi
Development of the SPME fiber for determination of Methamphetamine and Amphetamine using nafion and CNT/ ionic liquid
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28
ملی معتبر 75. Narges VaeziMehdi HosseiniNaser DalaliOmid narimani
Evaluation of removal / concentration ability of Nepheliumlappaceum (rambutan) as solid adsorbent for cadmium in environmental samples
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28
ملی معتبر 74. Negar sehatiMehdi HosseiniNaser DalaliMohammad Hossein Rasoulifard
Concentration and extraction of lead in real samples by in situ solvent formation microextraction (ISFME) method
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28
ملی معتبر 73. Fariba TaherkhaniNaser DalaliOmid narimaniAram Rezayi
Ionic liquid based ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with atomic absorbtion specteroscopy for determination of copper in water sample
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28
بین‌المللی 72. Naser DalaliSaedeh fatahpoorMehdi Hosseini
Ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (USA-DLLME) for determination of nickel in water samples
International Congress of Environmental Research مالزی, Malaysia, 2012-11-22 - 2012-11-24
ملی معتبر 71. Naser DalaliMasoomeh Kazemi
Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles modified with Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide for extraction of nitrite ion from aqueous solutions prior to its determination
chemistry conference payame Noor University داشگاه پیام نور کرمان, کرمان, 2012-10-10 - 2012-10-12
ملی معتبر 70. Haghigheh FathiNaser DalaliMehdi Hosseini
TiO2 nanotubes modified as solid-phase extraction adsorbent for the determination of p-nitrophenol in environmental water samples and determination by GC
chemistry conference payame Noor University داشگاه پیام نور کرمان, کرمان, 2012-10-10 - 2012-10-12
ملی معتبر 69. Naser DalaliAsghar haghi almachvanOmid narimani
Adsorption susceptibility of walnut green husk particles as agriwaste material in adsorption of cadmium from wastewater
chemistry conference payame Noor University داشگاه پیام نور کرمان, کرمان, 2012-10-10 - 2012-10-12
ملی معتبر 68. Hassan KaramiNaser DalaliParvin Hosseini
Optimization of adsorption of lead ions on Al2O3-α-Fe2O3nano-composite synthesized by sol-gel pyrrolysis method
chemistry conference payame Noor University داشگاه پیام نور کرمان, کرمان, 2012-10-10 - 2012-10-12
ملی معتبر 67. Saedeh fatahpoorMehdi HosseiniNaser DalaliAbedin darabi emarati
Concentration and extraction of cadmium in real and reference samples by in situ solvent formation microextraction (ISFME) method
chemistry conference payame Noor University داشگاه پیام نور کرمان, کرمان, 2012-10-10 - 2012-10-12
ملی معتبر 66. Mehdi HosseiniNaser Dalali
Extraction and determination of some organic sulfur compounds (OSCs) in aqueous samples by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction
chemistry conference payame Noor University داشگاه پیام نور کرمان, کرمان, 2012-10-10 - 2012-10-12
ملی معتبر 65. Saedeh fatahpoorMehdi HosseiniNaser DalaliOmid narimani
Ultrasound-assisted DLLME for the simultaneous extraction of trace amounts of copper and nickel ions in water samples and its determination by FAAS
chemistry conference payame Noor University داشگاه پیام نور کرمان, کرمان, 2012-10-10 - 2012-10-12
ملی معتبر 64. ناصر دلالیحسن کرمینفیسه آذرم
Synthesis of iron oxide nano-particles and its application as solid phase sorbent for extraction,preconcentration and determination of lead in aqueous samples
همایش ملی شیمی دانشگاه پیام نور داشگاه پیام نور کرمان, کرمان, 1391/07/19 - 1391/07/21
بین‌المللی 63. Naser DalaliShima nakisa
Selective extraction/ preconcentration of cadmium (II) in environmental samples by an anion exchanger on octadecyl silica membrane disk
International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference هتل کنکورد- کوالالامپور, Malaysia, 2011-12-21 - 2011-12-23
ملی معتبر 62. ناصر دلالیشیما نکیسامرضیه عاشوری آقمشهدی
On-line solid phase extraction by multi-walled carbonnanotubes coupled with flame atomic absorption spectrometry for trace determination of cadmium
سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, اهواز, 1390/09/30 - 1390/10/02
ملی معتبر 61. ناصر دلالیشیما نکیسا
Selective trace determination of lead in environmental samples by flow injection flame atomic absorption spectrometry after preconcentration by on-line cloud point extraction
سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, اهواز, 1390/09/30 - 1390/10/02
ملی معتبر 60. ناصر دلالیفریدون رحمانی
Optimization of dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with gas chromatography for the analysis of n-buthyl ethyl ether in water samples
سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, اهواز, 1390/09/30 - 1390/10/02
ملی معتبر 59. ناصر دلالیمینا حبیبی زادهسعید خوشنویس
Optimization of Magnetic Removal of Environmental Pollution from Waste Waters Using Surfactant- Coated Carbon nanocomposite/Fe3O4
سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, اهواز, 1390/09/30 - 1390/10/02
بین‌المللی 58. Naser DalaliShima nakisa
Surface modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes with Schiff base as solid adsorbent for preconcentration and determination of trace cadmium
International Symposium on Surface Science -Towards Nano- ,Bio-, and Green Innovation سالن برج فونابوری - توکیو, Japan, 2011-12-12 - 2011-12-15
بین‌المللی 57. ناصر دلالی
International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry روم - ایتالیا, Italy, 2011-10-05 - 2011-10-09
ملی معتبر 56. مهدی حسینیناصر دلالیسعید محمدنژادابندانسریمینا صدرارا
On-line cloud point extraction coupled to FAAS for concentration of trace amounts of copper (II) ions in presence of Indane-1,2,3-trone 1,2-dioxime
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه بوعلی , همدان, 1390/06/13 - 1390/06/15
ملی معتبر 55. مهدی حسینیسپیده کاظمی رادناصر دلالیسعید محمدنژادابندانسری
Solid phase extraction of trace amount of Ni (II) ions in real samples using surfactant -coated alumina modified with 1-nitrozo-2-naphthol prior to determination by FAAS
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه بوعلی , همدان, 1390/06/13 - 1390/06/15
ملی معتبر 54. مهدی حسینیسیدامیرمهدی فتحیناصر دلالی
Development of dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for concentration of Cu2+, Cd2+ and Co2+ metal ions in real samples and determination by FAAS
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه بوعلی , همدان, 1390/06/13 - 1390/06/15
ملی معتبر 53. ناصر دلالیعاطفه عزیزیفریدون رحمانی
A sensitive method for determination of Ni (II) based on atomic absorption spectrometry in combination with dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه بوعلی , همدان, 1390/06/13 - 1390/06/15
ملی معتبر 52. مهدی حسینیناصر دلالیسعید محمدنژادابندانسری
Solid phase preconcentration of Cu (II) traces by modified octadecyl silica membrane disks with 1-(2-hydroxynaphtalene 1-eyl) ethane oxime and determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه بوعلی , همدان, 1390/06/13 - 1390/06/15
ملی معتبر 51. مهدی حسینیناصر دلالیسعیده فتاح پور
Di (n-propyl) thiuram disulfide bonded on structure silica gel as a novel sorbent for separation and preconcentration of copper ion from aqueous samples
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه بوعلی , همدان, 1390/06/13 - 1390/06/15
ملی معتبر 50. ناصر دلالیهادی حبیبیفریدون رحمانی
Simultaneous extraction / separation of zinc and cadmium from nickel and cobalt with liquid membranes using aliquat 336
کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه بوعلی , همدان, 1390/06/13 - 1390/06/15
بین‌المللی 49. Naser DalaliMahboobeh khoram nezhadMina habibizadehMohammad Faraji
Magnetic Removal of Acidic Dyes from Waste Waters Using Surfactant-Coated Magnetite Nanoparticles: Optimization of Process by Taguchi Method
International Conference on Environmental and Agriculture Engineering هتل تبت-چنگدو, China, 2011-07-29 - 2011-07-31
ملی معتبر 48. Naser DalaliMehdi HosseiniShiva motahedi
SDS-coated alumina as a adsorbent for preconcentration and separation of trace amount of Cu (II) ion using solid phase method (SPE) in presence of n-phenyl-2-furohydroxamic acid and determination by FAAS
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-20
ملی معتبر 47. Naser DalaliMarziyeh shouri aghmashhadiMahboobeh khoram nezhadMehdi Hosseini
Multi-wall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) as adsorbent for preconcentration of Pb(II) and Cd(II) ions with solid phase extraction (SPE) method and determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometer (FAAS(
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-20
ملی معتبر 46. Naser DalaliMarziyeh shouri aghmashhadiMehdi Hosseini
Simultaneous extraction and preconcentration of trace amount of Cu(II) and Pb(II) ions using new Schiff base:2,2'(1E, 1E')-(4-methyl-1,2-phenylene)bis(azen-1-yl-1-ylidene)bis(Methan-1-yl-1-ylidene)diphenol (H2L1) and determination by flame atomic absorpti
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-20
ملی معتبر 45. Naser DalaliHadi HabibiFereydoon Rahmani
Facilitated transport of cadmium through bulk liquid membranes containing aliquat336 as mobile carrier and determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-20
ملی معتبر 44. Naser DalaliMahboobeh khoram nezhad
Application of surfactant-coated Magnetite nanoparticles for acidic dyes removal by magnetic field from waste waters
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-20
ملی معتبر 43. Naser DalaliMarziyeh shouri aghmashhadiShima nakisa
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes packed column for on-line solid phase extraction coupled with flame atomic absorption spectrometry: Determination of Cu and Pb
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-20
ملی معتبر 42. Naser DalaliMehdi HosseiniMarziyeh shouri aghmashhadiMina habibizadeh
Preconcentration/separation and determination of trace amount of Cd(II) ion using new Schiff base:2,2'(1E, 1E')-(4-methyl-1,2-phenylene)bis(azen-1-yl-1-ylidene)bis(Methan-1-yl-1-ylidene)diphenol (H2L1) prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometer (FAAS)
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-20
ملی معتبر 41. Naser DalaliMehdi HosseiniShiva motahedi
A new adsorbent for preconcentration/separation of trace amount of Cu (II) ion using SDS-coated alumina modified with 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde oxime and determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-20
ملی معتبر 40. Naser DalaliAtefeh AziziFereydoon Rahmani
Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with flame atomic absorption spectrometry for ultra trace determination of Cu (II) in water samples
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-20
ملی معتبر 39. Naser DalaliMina habibizadeh
Magnetic multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite as adsorbent for magnetic removal of dye from aqueous solutions
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-20
ملی معتبر 38. Naser DalaliFereydoon RahmaniHadi Habibi
Application of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method combination with flame atomic absorption spectrometry for extraction,preconcentration and determination of ultra trace amounts of zinc in water samples
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-20
سایر 37. مهدی حسینیناصر دلالیسعید محمدنژادابندانسری
Cloud point extraction and preconcentration of trace amounts of Cu(II) and Pb(II) as a 1-)-2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol complex prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination
همایش منطقه ای شیمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد زنجان دانشگاه آزاد, زنجان, 1389/07/29 - 1389/07/29
سایر 36. مهدی حسینیرستم جمالی اسلامیناصر دلالی
On-line preconcentration coupled to flame atomic absorption spectroscopy for determination of trace amounts of Cu(II) ion in water samples
همایش منطقه ای شیمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد زنجان دانشگاه آزاد, زنجان, 1389/07/29 - 1389/07/29
سایر 35. مهدی حسینیناصر دلالیسعید محمدنژادابندانسری
Determination and preconcentration of trace amounts of copper and nickel with complexing agent N-Hydroxy hexane amid using silica gel adsorbent by flame atomic absorption spectrometric
همایش منطقه ای شیمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد زنجان دانشگاه آزاد, زنجان, 1389/07/29 - 1389/07/29
ملی معتبر 34. Naser DalaliFarhad Gharehbaghi
Evaluation of ionophoric characters of some recently synthesized Calix [4] resorcinarenes by liquid-liquid extraction method
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 33. Naser DalaliMehdi HosseiniSaeid mohammadnezhad abandansari
Cloud point extraction and preconcentration of trace amounts of copper as a 1-(-2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol complex prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 32. Naser DalaliOzra Rahmani
Solvent extraction and separation of cobalt and nickel by hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide via anion exchange
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 31. Mehdi HosseiniMarziyeh shouri aghmashhadiNaser Dalali
Solid phase extraction of heavy metal ions with N-Hydroxy hexane amid as complexing agent using silica gel for determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometric
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 30. Naser DalaliNasrin JavadiSaeid mohammadnezhad abandansari
Simultaneous preconcentration of Cd and Pb by on-line salt induced cloud point extraction:Application to trace determination by FAAS
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 29. Naser DalaliFarhad Gharehbaghi
Synthesis and application of Calix [4] resorcinarene hydroxamic acid for solvent extraction of La (III), Th (IV) and UO22+
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 28. Mehdi HosseiniNaser Dalali
Preconcentration of copper(II), nickel(II), and cobalt(II) with new complexing agent Indane-1,2,3-trione 1,2-dioxime using adsorbent silica gel and determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometer
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 27. Mehdi HosseiniNaser Dalali
Preconcentration of trace amounts of copper, nickel and cobalt in water samples using surfactant coated alumina modified with a new oxime prior to determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 26. Naser DalaliMahboobeh khoram nezhad
Selective solvent extractive separation of cadmium from industrial wastes using cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide as an anion exchanger
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 25. Naser DalaliAtefeh Azizi
Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction of Cd by dithizone prior to spectrophotometric determination
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 24. Mina habibizadehMehdi HosseiniNaser Dalali
On-line sorption preconcentration based on surfactant coated alumina modified with Indane-1,2,3-trione 1,2-dioxime: Determination of Co, Ni and Cu by flame atomic absorption spectrometry in water samples
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 23. Naser DalaliMarziyeh shouri aghmashhadi
Solid phase extraction/separation of cadmium using hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide as cationic surfactant
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 22. Naser DalaliSaeid mohammadnezhad abandansariMehdi Hosseini
Cloud point extraction and preconcentration of trace amounts of Cu(II) ion as a dithizone complex prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 21. Naser DalaliMehdi HosseiniShiva motahediSaeid mohammadnezhad abandansari
On-line Cloud point extraction of trace amounts of copper by 1-(-2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol ( PAN) and determination with flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 20. Naser DalaliMarziyeh shouri aghmashhadi
Solid phase separation/preconcentration of Cu in environmental samples on surface functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes for flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 19. Naser DalaliFarhad Gharehbaghi
Efficient transport of uranium(VI) through bulk liquid membrane containing calyx[4] resorcenearene-hydroxamic acid as carrier
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 18. Naser DalaliAtefeh Azizi
Preconcentration of cadmium by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for its determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14
ملی معتبر 17. نسرین جوادیناصر دلالی
Determination of Zn, Co, Ni and Pb in environmental and biological samples by atomic absorption spectrometry after simultaneous cloud point extraction
کنگره عناصر کمیاب ایران دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران, تهران, 1388/11/06 - 1388/11/07
ملی معتبر 16. مهدی حسینیناصر دلالی
On-line solid phase extraction flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of copper and nickel in water samples
کنگره عناصر کمیاب ایران دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران, تهران, 1388/11/06 - 1388/11/07
ملی معتبر 15. مهدی حسینیلیلا فرهنگیناصر دلالی
Trace determination of cadmium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after preconcentration and selective separation from Cu, Co, Ni and Zn from bromide medium using octadecyl membrane disk
کنگره عناصر کمیاب ایران دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران, تهران, 1388/11/06 - 1388/11/07
ملی معتبر 14. میرمهدی زاهدی دیزجیناصر دلالیسعید محمدنژادابندانسری
Cloud point extraction flow injection- atomic absorption spectrometry for determination of lead in water samples
کنگره عناصر کمیاب ایران دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران, تهران, 1388/11/06 - 1388/11/07
ملی معتبر 13. نسرین جوادیناصر دلالیسعید محمدنژادابندانسری
Cloud point extraction flow injection- atomic absorption spectrometry: A method for continues trace determination of lead and zinc
کنگره عناصر کمیاب ایران دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران, تهران, 1388/11/06 - 1388/11/07
ملی معتبر 12. Naser DalaliAli KarimiMohammad Javad Fouladi
Solvent extraction of transition metal ions by E- andZ- isomers of 2- hydroxyimino 1,2-diphenyl- 1- ethanone: a comparative study
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30
ملی معتبر 11. Naser DalaliFarshad KaramiMohammad Reza khanmohammadi
On-line pre-concentration and determination of formaldehyde in aqueous samples
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30
ملی معتبر 10. ناصر دلالی
Monitoring of formaldehyde in industrial waste water by UV-Vis spectrophotometry and curve resolution
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30
ملی معتبر 9. Naser DalaliNasrin Javadi
Cloud point extraction- flow injection- flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of copper in environmental samples
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30
ملی معتبر 8. ناصر دلالیعلی کریمیمحمدجواد فولادی
Selective extraction / separation of copper with 2- hydroxy- naphthalene-1- carbaldehyde oxime and 1-(2- hydroxy- naphthalene- 1- yl)- ethanone oxime
کنفرانس علوم و مهندسی جداسازی دانشگاه شهید باهنر, کرمان, 1388/02/28 - 1388/02/30
ملی معتبر 7. ناصر دلالیعلی کریمیمحمدجواد فولادی
Indan - 1, 2, 3- trion 1, 2- dioxime and N-hydroxy hexamide: Synthesis and Extractive properties towards Ni and Cu
کنفرانس علوم و مهندسی جداسازی دانشگاه شهید باهنر, کرمان, 1388/02/28 - 1388/02/30
ملی معتبر 6. Naser DalaliMir Mahdi zahedi dizji
On- Line cloud point extraction/preconcentration and determination of lead in water samples b flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences (EuAs) Philippines, 2008-01-07 - 2008-01-11
ملی معتبر 5. Naser DalaliManouchehr GhanbariYadollah YaminiBehrooz Fateh
Solid – Phase Extraction of Ultra Trace Amounts of Technetium Produced by 100 Mo(P,2n)99mtc Reaction
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01
ملی معتبر 4. Naser DalaliNasrin Javadi
N-phenyl-2-Furo Hydroxamic Acid as a Complexing Agent in Cloud Point Extraction
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01
ملی معتبر 3. ناصر دلالی
Determination of Sulfamethoxazole(SMX) and Trimethoprim (TMP) by ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01
ملی معتبر 2. Naser DalaliMir Mahdi zahedi dizjiYadollah Yamini
Determination of Lead in Water Samples by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Cloud point Extraction
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01
ملی معتبر 1. Maryam heshmatiniaNaser DalaliM hamzehlou
Solid phase Extractive-HPLC Analysis of Erythromycin in Fermentation Broth
Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01



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