view:46854 Last Update: 2021-5-20
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 72.
Hesam addin Yousefian, Abolfazl Jalilvand, Amir Bagheri, Abbas Rabiee Hybridization of planning and operational techniques for resiliency improvement of electrical distribution networks against multi-scenario natural disasters based on a convex model ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH Issue 237 (2024-12-15) PP. 1-14
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 71.
Ali Abdali, Kazem Mazlumi, Abbas Rabiee Harmonics impact on hotspot temperature increment of distribution transformers: Nonuniform magnetic-thermal approach INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS Issue 157 (2024-05-30) PP. 1-15
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 70.
Ali Abdali, Hossein masoumkhani, Kazem Mazlumi, Abbas Rabiee Accurate and nonuniform CFD‑based thermal behavior analysis of distribution transformers: voltage imbalance effect. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering Issue 45 (2023-11-02) PP. 1-21
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 69.
Abbas Rabiee Liquid-Immersed Distribution Transformers’ Thermal Analysis with Consideration of Unbalanced Load Current Effect IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION Issue 10.1109/TDEI.2023.3295760 (2023-07-14) PP. 1-11
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 68.
Abbas Rabiee Magnetic-thermal analysis of distribution transformer: Validation via optical fiber sensors and thermography INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS Issue 153 (2023-07-02) PP. 1-8
نشریه علمی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 67.
Saeed Behzadi, Amir Bagheri, Abbas Rabiee Resilience-Oriented Operation of Micro-Grids in both Grid-Connected and Isolated Conditions within Sustainable Active Distribution Networks Journal of operation and automation in power engineering Issue 10.22098/joape.2023.12142.1902 (2023-06-18) PP. 1-14
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 66.
Masoud Khatibi, Abbas Rabiee, Amir Bagheri Integrated Electricity and Gas Systems Planning: New Opportunities, and a Detailed Assessment of Relevant Issues Sustainability Issue 15 (2023-04-13) PP. 1-32
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 65.
سینا طغری نگار, عباس ربیعی, محسنی بناب سید مسعود Increasing Unbalanced Distribution Network’s Hosting Capacity for Distributed Energy Resources by Voltage Regulators IEEE Access شماره 11 (1401/12/12) صفحات 22664-22679
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 64.
Abbas Rabiee Distributed flexibility to maintain security margin through decentralised TSO–DSO coordination INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS Issue 146 (2023-03-01) PP. 1-17
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 63.
سینا طغری نگار, عباس ربیعی, سرودی علیرضا Enhancing the unbalanced distribution network’s hosting capacity for DERs via optimal load re-phasing SUSTAIN CITIES SOC شماره 87 (1401/09/10) صفحات 1-17
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 62.
Abbas Rabiee Precise thermo-fluid dynamics analysis of corrugated wall distribution transformer cooled with mineral oil-based nanofluids: Experimental verification APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING Issue (2022-11-24) PP. 1-17
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 61.
Abbas Rabiee Novel Hotspot Temperature Prediction of Oil-Immersed Distribution Transformers: An Experimental Case Study IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Issue 10.1109/TIE.2022.3206690 (2022-09-20) PP. 1-11
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 60.
Abbas Rabiee A Joint Risk- and Security-Constrained Control Framework for Real-Time Energy Scheduling of Islanded Microgrids IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Issue 13 (2022-09-15) PP. 3354-3368
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 59.
Reza Mortezayi, Abbas Rabiee, Ali Abdali Boosting Transmission System Flexibility in Network-Constrained Unit Commitment by Incorporating Distributed Series Reactors International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems Issue 2022 (2022-09-15) PP. 1-14
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 58.
Sepideh rezaeian, Narges Bayat, Abbas Rabiee, Saman Nikkhah, Soroudi alireza Optimal Scheduling of Reconfigurable Microgrids in Both Grid-Connected and Isolated Modes Considering the Uncertainty of DERs Energies Issue 15 (2022-07-25) PP. 1-18
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 57.
Mahdis hadadi, Abbas Rabiee, Saman Nikkhah Location-based uncertainty management of off-shore wind farms: A multiple radius robust decision making INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS Issue 136 (2022-03-15) PP. 1-17
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 56.
Abbas Rabiee Stochastic optimal transmission Switching: A novel approach to enhance power grid security margins through vulnerability mitigation under renewables uncertainties APPLIED ENERGY Issue 305 (2022-01-01) PP. 1-14
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 55.
Abbas Rabiee, Ali Abdali, Mohseni Bonab seyed masoud, Mohsen Hazrati Risk-Averse Scheduling of Combined Heat and Power-Based Microgrids in Presence of Uncertain Distributed Energy Resources Sustainability Issue 13 (2021-06-24) PP. 1-24
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 54.
Ehsan Hooshmand, Abbas Rabiee, saeid jalilzadeh, Soroudi alireza Optimal flexibility coordination for energy procurement indistribution networks IET Renewable Power Generation Issue 15 (2021-02-23) PP. 1191-1203
علمی-پژوهشی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 53.
Amir Bagheri, Abbas Rabiee, - galvani, Hossein yasmi, Ali Moeini A Practical Approach for Coordinated Transmission Switching and OLTCs’ Tap Adjustment: DIgSILENT-Based Improved PSO Algorithm Journal of operation and automation in power engineering Issue 10.22098/joape.2021.7378.1533 (2020-12-08) PP. 1-13
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 52.
Ali Asghar Taheri, Ali Abdali, Abbas Rabiee Indoor distribution transformers oil temperature prediction using new electro-thermal resistance model and normal cyclic overloading strategy: an experimental case study IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Issue 14 (2020-12-01) PP. 5792-5803
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 51.
Abbas Rabiee MPC and robustness optimisation-based EMS for microgrids with high penetration of intermittent renewable energy IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Issue 14 (2020-11-02) PP. 5239-5248
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 50.
عباس ربیعی, محمد جمادی, محمدی ایواتلو بهنام, علی احمدیان Optimal Non-Convex Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch via Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Processes شماره 8 (1399/06/04) صفحات 1-22
علمی-پژوهشی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 49.
امیر باقری, عباس ربیعی, سجاد گلوانی, فرزاد فلاحی FACTS Devices Allocation in Gilan Regional Electric Company’s Network Using Discrete PSO Algorithm in DIgSILENT Software مهندسی و مدیریت انرژی شماره 8061-2251 (1399/06/01) صفحات 12-29
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 48.
Moradi Dalvand mohammad, Morteza nazari haris, Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, - galvani, Abbas Rabiee A Two-Stage Mathematical Programming Approach for the Solution of Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch IEEE Systems Journal Issue 14 (2020-06-05) PP. 2873-2881
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 47.
Saman Nikkhah, Mohammad Amin Nasr, Abbas Rabiee A Stochastic Voltage Stability Constrained EMS for Isolated Microgrids in the Presence of PEVs Using a Coordinated UC-OPF Framework IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Issue 68 (2020-04-16) PP. 4046-4055
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 46.
Abbas Rabiee Risk averse energy management strategy in the presence of distributed energy resources considering distribution network reconfiguration: an information gap decision theory approach IET Renewable Power Generation Issue 14 (2020-01-24) PP. 305-312
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 45.
Abbas Rabiee, Ali Moeini, Abbas Rabiee Voltage Security Constrained Stochastic Programming Model for Day-Ahead BESS Schedule in co-optimization of T&D Systems IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy Issue 10 (2020-01-01) PP. 391-404
علمی-پژوهشی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 44.
Amir Bagheri, Abbas Rabiee, - galvani, Farzad Falahi Congestion Management through Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices Using DigSILENT-Based DPSO Algorithm- A Real Case Study Journal of operation and automation in power engineering Issue 10.22098/joape.2019.6094.1462 (2019-08-13) PP. 1-19
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 43.
Ehsan Hooshmand, Abbas Rabiee Energy management in distribution systems, considering the impact of reconfiguration, RESs, ESSs and DR: A trade-off between cost and reliability RENEWABLE ENERGY Issue 139 (2019-08-01) PP. 346-358
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 42.
Ali Asghar Taheri, Ali Abdali, Abbas Rabiee A Novel Model for Thermal Behavior Prediction of Oil-Immersed Distribution Transformers With Consideration of Solar Radiation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY Issue 34 (2019-08-01) PP. 1634-1646
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 41.
Abbas Rabiee Optimal Cost of Voltage Security Control Using Voltage Dependent Load Models in Presence of Demand Response IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Issue 10 (2019-05-01) PP. 2383-2395
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 40.
Mohammad Amin Nasr, Ehsan nasr azadani, Abbas Rabiee, Seyed Hossein Hosseinian Risk-averse energy management system for isolated microgrids considering generation and demand uncertainties based on information gap decision theory IET Renewable Power Generation Issue 13 (2019-03-22) PP. 940-951
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 39.
Ehsan kian mehr, Saman Nik khah, Abbas Rabiee Multi-objective stochastic model for joint optimal allocation of DG units and network reconfiguration from DG owner’s and DisCo’s perspectives RENEWABLE ENERGY Issue 132 (2019-03-01) PP. 471-485
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 38.
Ehsan Hooshmand, Abbas Rabiee Robust model for optimal allocation of renewable energy sources, energy storage systems and demand response in distribution systems via information gap decision theory IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Issue 13 (2019-02-26) PP. 511-520
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 37.
Amir Reza Gholizadeh, Abbas Rabiee, Rohollah fadaei nezhad A scenario-based voltage stability constrained planning model for integration of large-scale wind farms INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS Issue 105 (2019-02-01) PP. 564-580
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 36.
امیر رضا قلی زاده, عباس ربیعی, روح الله فدایی نژاد Optimal Voltage Stability Constrained Planning Model for Integration of Large Scale Wind Farms into Iran’s southeast Grid مهندسی برق دانشگاه تبریز (دانشکده فنی سابق) - دانشگاه تبریز شماره 48 (1397/09/27) صفحات 1301-1313
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 35.
Abbas Rabiee Optimal Long-Term Distributed Generation Planning and Reconfiguration of Distribution Systems: An Accelerating Benders’ Decomposition Approach JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Issue 179 (2018-10-01) PP. 283-310
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 34.
احسان هوشمند, رضا نوروزیان, عباس ربیعی Optimal Sharing of Renewable Energy Sources in Distribution Networks Considering the Uncertainties مهندسی برق دانشگاه تبریز (دانشکده فنی سابق) - دانشگاه تبریز شماره 48 (1397/04/01) صفحات 931-942
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 33.
- yasmi, Abbas Rabiee, Abolfazl Jalilvand, Farhad Bayat Model predictive control scheme for coordinated voltage control of power systems at the presence of volatile wind power generation IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Issue 12 (2018-04-30) PP. 1922-1928
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 32.
Abbas Rabiee, Saman Nik khah, Soroudi alireza Information gap decision theory to deal with long-term wind energy planning considering voltage stability ENERGY Issue 147 (2018-03-15) PP. 451-463
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 31.
Saman Nik khah, Abbas Rabiee Voltage stability constrained multi-objective optimisation model for long-term expansion planning of large-scale wind farms IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Issue 12 (2018-02-08) PP. 548-555
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 30.
Saman Nik khah, Abbas Rabiee Optimal wind power generation investment, considering voltage stability of power systems RENEWABLE ENERGY Issue 115 (2018-01-01) PP. 308-325
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 29.
- yasmi, Farhad Bayat, Abolfazl Jalilvand, Abbas Rabiee Coordinated Voltage Control of Wind-Penetrated Power Systems via State Feedback Control INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS Issue 93 (2017-12-01) PP. 384-394
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 28.
Soroudi alireza, Abbas Rabiee, andrew keane Stochastic Real-Time Scheduling of Wind-Thermal Generation Units in an Electric Utility IEEE Systems Journal Issue 11 (2017-09-01) PP. 1622-1631
علمی-پژوهشی معتبر | 27.
Abbas Rabiee, Mohseni Bonab seyed masoud, Tahereh Soltani, Leila Bayat A Risk-based Two-stage Stochastic Optimal Power Flow Considering the Impact of Multiple Operational Uncertainties - انجمن علمی انرژی ایران - Journal of Energy Management and Technology Issue 1 (2017-06-17) PP. 30-42
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 26.
Abbas Rabiee, Saman Nik khah, Soroudi alireza, Ehsan Hooshmand Information gap decision theory for voltage stability constrained OPF considering the uncertainty of multiple wind farms IET Renewable Power Generation Issue 11 (2017-04-12) PP. 585-592
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 25.
Soroudi alireza, Abbas Rabiee, andrew keane Information gap decision theory approach to deal with wind power uncertainty in unit commitment ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH Issue 145 (2017-04-02) PP. 137-148
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 24.
Soroudi alireza, Abbas Rabiee, andrew keane Distribution networks' energy losses versus hosting capacity of wind power in the presence of demand flexibility RENEWABLE ENERGY Issue 102 (2017-03-25) PP. 316-325
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 23.
Abbas Rabiee, Seyed Masoud mohseni bonab Optimal reactive power dispatch: a review, and a new stochastic voltage stability constrained multi-objective model at the presence of uncertain wind power generation IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Issue 11 (2017-03-09) PP. 815-829
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 22.
Abbas Rabiee, Seyed Masoud mohseni bonab Maximizing hosting capacity of renewable energy sources in distribution networks: A multi-objective and scenario-based approach ENERGY Issue 120 (2017-02-01) PP. 417-430
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 21.
Mohsen Bakhshi Mojdar, Mohammad Hossein halakouei, Abbas Rabiee Fuzzy based damping controller for TCSC using local measurements to enhance transient stability of power systems INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS Issue 85 (2017-01-31) PP. 12-21
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 20.
عباس ربیعی, احسان هوشمند, سامان نیک خواه Application of Information Gap Decision Theory for Solution of Voltage Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow in the Presence of Wind Farms مهندسی برق دانشگاه تبریز (دانشکده فنی سابق) - دانشگاه تبریز شماره 46 (1395/10/01) صفحات 109-122
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 19.
عباس ربیعی, مرتضی محمدی Transient Stability Constrained Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow in the Electricity Market Environment مهندسی برق دانشگاه تبریز (دانشکده فنی سابق) - دانشگاه تبریز شماره 46 (1395/02/01) صفحات 169-183
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 18.
Seyed Masoud mohseni bonab, Abbas Rabiee, Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, saeid jalilzadeh, - - A two-point estimate method for uncertainty modeling in multi-objective optimal reactive power dispatch problem INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS Issue 75 (2016-02-01) PP. 194-204
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 17.
Abbas Rabiee, Seyed Masoud mohseni bonab, Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam Voltage stability constrained multi-objective optimal reactive power dispatch under load and wind power uncertainties: A stochastic approach RENEWABLE ENERGY Issue 85 (2016-01-10) PP. 598-609
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 16.
Abbas Rabiee, Soroudi alireza, andrew keane Information Gap Decision Theory Based OPF With HVDC Connected Wind Farms IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS Issue 30 (2015-11-01) PP. 3396-3406
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 15.
Abbas Rabiee, Soroudi alireza, andrew keane Risk-Averse Preventive Voltage Control of AC/DC Power Systems Including Wind Power Generation IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy Issue 6 (2015-10-03) PP. 1494-1505
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 14.
Seyed Masoud mohseni bonab, Abbas Rabiee, saeid jalilzadeh, Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, - - Probabilistic Multi Objective Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Considering Load Uncertainties Using Monte Carlo Simulations Journal of operation and automation in power engineering Issue 3 (2015-06-21) PP. 83-93
Seyed Masoud mohseni bonab, Abbas Rabiee, Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam تحلیل عدم قطعیت بار در مساله پخش بهینه توان راکتیو با در نظر گرفتن پایداری ولتاژ Majlesi Journal of Energy Management Issue 4 (2015-06-07) PP. 23-30
| |
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 12.
Abbas Rabiee, Soroudi alireza, Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, Parniani Mostafa Corrective Voltage Control Scheme Considering Demand Response and Stochastic Wind Power IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS Issue 29 (2014-11-15) PP. 2965-2973
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 11.
Abbas Rabiee, Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, Moradi Dalvand mohammad Fast Dynamic Economic Power Dispatch Problems Solution Via Optimality Condition Decomposition IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS Issue 29 (2014-03-25) PP. 982-983
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 10.
Abbas Rabiee, Soroudi alireza Stochastic Multiperiod OPF Model of Power Systems With HVDC-Connected Intermittent Wind Power Generation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY Issue 29 (2014-02-15) PP. 336-344
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 9.
Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, Abbas Rabiee, Soroudi alireza Non-convex Dynamic Economic Power Dispatch Problems Solution Using Hybrid Immune-Genetic Algorithm IEEE Systems Journal Issue 7 (2013-12-15) PP. 777-785
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 8.
Soroudi alireza, Abbas Rabiee Optimal multi-area generation schedule considering renewable resources mix: a real-time approach IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Issue 7 (2013-06-15) PP. 1011-1026
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 7.
Abbas Rabiee, Parniani Mostafa Voltage Security Constrained Multi-Period Optimal Reactive Power Flow Using Benders and Optimality Condition Decompositions IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS Issue 28 (2013-05-15) PP. 696-708
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 6.
Abbas Rabiee, Parvania masoud, Vanouni maziar, Parniani Mostafa, Fotouhi Firoozabadi mahmoud Comprehensive control framework for ensuring loading margin of power systems considering demand-side participation IET Generation Transmission & Distribution Issue 6 (2012-10-15) PP. 1189-1201
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 5.
Abbas Rabiee, Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, Ehsan Mahdi Discussion of “A Hybrid Interior Point Assisted Differential Evolution Algorithm for Economic Dispatch IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS Issue 27 (2012-05-15) PP. 1142-1143
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 4.
Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, Abbas Rabiee, Soroudi alireza, Ehsan Mahdi Iteration PSO with time varying acceleration coefficients for solving non-convex economic dispatch problems INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS Issue 42 (2012-04-15) PP. 508-516
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 3.
Abbas Rabiee, Vanouni maziar, Parniani Mostafa Optimal reactive power dispatch for improving voltage stability margin using a local voltage stability index ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT Issue 59 (2012-02-15) PP. 66-73
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 2.
Abbas Rabiee, Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, Ehsan Mahdi Discussion of “Hybrid Differential Evolution With Biogeography-Based Optimization for Solution of Economic Load Dispatch” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS Issue 27 (2012-01-21) PP. 574-575
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 1.
Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, Abbas Rabiee, Ehsan Mahdi Time-varying acceleration coefficients IPSO for solving dynamic economic dispatch with non-smooth cost function ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT Issue 56 (2012-01-15) PP. 175-183
Presentations in Seminars & Conferences | |
بینالمللی |
27. سعید بهزادی, امیر باقری, عباس ربیعی Optimal Operation of Reconfigurable Active Distribution Networks Aiming at Resiliency Improvement کنفرانس بین المللی فناوری و مدیریت انرژی دانشگاه علوم و فنون مازندران, بابلسر, 1401/11/19 - 1401/11/20 |
ملی معتبر |
26. Mahya Shojaie, Amir Bagheri, Abbas Rabiee Improving the Operation of Smart Distribution Networks in the Presence of DG Units by Coordinated Optimization of Reconfiguration and Voltage Regulators - دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 2021-12-07 - 2021-12-09 |
بینالمللی |
25. امیر باقری, عباس ربیعی, سجاد گلوانی, ن اوصالی Voltage and Reactive Power Control in Transmission and Subtransmission Network of Zanjan Regional Electric Company Using a Practical Optimization Method Based on DIgSILENT کنفرانس بین المللی فناوری و مدیریت انرژی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی, اردبیل, 1400/06/09 - 1400/06/10 |
بینالمللی |
24. محمد قرجه لو, عباس ربیعی Optimal transmission lines' switching at the presence of distributed series reactor کنفرانس بین المللی فناوری و مدیریت انرژی انجمن علمی انرژی ایران با همکاری دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی, اردبیل, 1400/06/09 - 1400/06/10 |
ملی معتبر |
23. Amir Bagheri, Abbas Rabiee, - galvani, - yasmi, Ali Moeini A PSO-Based Practical Approach under DIgSILENT for Optimal Reconfiguration of Sub-transmission Lines- A Study on Zanjan Regional Electric Company Iranian conference on electrical engineering(ICEE) دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 2020-08-04 - 2020-08-06 |
بینالمللی |
22. عباس ربیعی, Ali Moeini, Abbas Rabiee Vulnerability Assessment in Power Systems: A Review and Representing Novel Perspectives IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon) IEEE, Canada, 2020-08-02 - 2020-08-06 |
بینالمللی |
21. Parisa Ataeian, Mehdi derafshian maram, Mohsen gahlehei monfar dazanjani, Abbas Rabiee Enhancement of power system monitoring based on weighted measurement data International Power System Conference(psc) وزارت نیرو, تهران, 2019-12-09 - 2019-12-11 |
بینالمللی |
20. Amir Bagheri, Abbas Rabiee, - galvani, - yasmi, Ali Moeini Optimal Tap Coordination of Zanjan Regional Electric Company’s Transformers Using PSO Algorithm in DPL Environment of DIgSILENT International Power System Conference(psc) شرکت توانیر - پژوهشگاه نیروگاه, تهران, 2019-10-21 - 2019-10-23 |
ملی معتبر |
19. وحید پیمایی, عباس ربیعی, امیر باقری Multi-objective Planning of Distributed Generation and Capacitor Banks Considering Fault Current Limiter کنفرانس شبکه های توزیع نیروی برق انجمن مهندسین برق و الکترونیک ایران ، شرکت توزیع نیروی برق استان لرستان, خرم آباد, 1398/03/29 - 1398/03/30 |
بینالمللی |
18. Ehsan Hooshmand, Abbas Rabiee Improved distribution system ... International Power System Conference(psc) پژوهشگاه نیرو - توانیر, تهران, 2018-10-22 - 2018-10-24 |
بینالمللی |
17. Jafari hasan, Maryam Mahmoudi, Hassan rastgar, Abbas Rabiee, Mohammad Nadri, Fatemeh Kazemi Using Wide-Area Signals to Improve the Inter-Area Mode Damping Performance of Static VAR Compensators IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC) IEEE, United States, 2018-02-08 - 2018-02-09 |
بینالمللی |
16. عباس ربیعی, Ali Moeini, Abbas Rabiee Investigation of BESSs' Benefits in Transmission and Distribution Systems Operations Using Integrated Power Grid Co-optimization Electrical Power and Energy Conference IEEE, Canada, 2017-10-22 - 2017-10-25 |
بینالمللی |
15. Mostafa Lashgari, saeid jalilzadeh, Abbas Rabiee stability improvment of multi machines with cordination between pss and facts systems. - مرکز اموزش و پژوهش های توسعه و آینده نگری سازمان مدیریت و برنامه ریزی استان همدان, همدان, 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-09 |
ملی معتبر |
14. احسان هوشمند, رضا نوروزیان, عباس ربیعی -------------- کنفرانس انرژی های تجدیدپذیر و تولید پراکنده ایران دانشگاه گیلان, رشت, 1395/12/18 - 1395/12/19 |
بینالمللی |
13. سامان نیک خواه, عباس ربیعی Long-term planning of VAR compensators, considering voltage stability کنفرانس بین المللی فناوری و مدیریت انرژی انجمن علمی انرژی ایران, تهران, 1395/12/10 - 1395/12/11 |
بینالمللی |
12. مهدیس حدادی, عباس ربیعی OPF model development considering the impact of offshore wind farms connected via VSC-HVDC کنفرانس بین المللی فناوری و مدیریت انرژی انجمن علمی انرژی ایران, تهران, 1395/12/10 - 1395/12/11 |
ملی معتبر |
11. سامان نیک خواه, عباس ربیعی A New Approach for Wind Farms Investment in Power Systems کنفرانس شبکه های توزیع نیروی برق شرکت توانیر و انجمن برق ایران, کرج, 1395/02/07 - 1395/02/08 |
ملی معتبر |
10. عباس ربیعی, فرشاد طالبی Maximization of Wind Turbines Hosting Capacity in Distribution Systems کنفرانس شبکه های توزیع نیروی برق شرکت توانیرو انجمن برق ایران, کرج, 1395/02/07 - 1395/02/08 |
بینالمللی |
9. عباس ربیعی, سیدمسعود محسنی بناب corrective voltage control of Iran national grid کنفرانس انجمن علمی انرژی ایران انجمن علمی انرژی ایران, تهران, 1394/09/24 - 1394/09/25 |
بینالمللی |
8. Soroudi alireza, Abbas Rabiee, andrew keane Distribution Network Hosting Capacity Maximization using Demand Response International conference on electricity distribution CIRED, France, 2015-06-15 - 2015-06-18 |
بینالمللی |
7. توحید مقتدایی, عباس ربیعی, سعید جلیل زاده Optimal power flow with the aim of profit maximization considering the uncertainty of load and wind energy کنفرانس بین المللی رویکرد های نوین در نگهداشت انرژی دانشگاه تهران, تهران, 1393/11/29 - 1393/11/30 |
ملی معتبر |
6. سیدمسعود محسنی بناب, عباس ربیعی, جعفری توحید Optimal Sizing and Placement of Distributed Generations in Distribution Systems by Using Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm کنفرانس منطقه ای سیرد ایران پژوهشگاه نیرو, تهران, 1393/10/23 - 1393/10/24 |
بینالمللی |
5. Jafari hasan, Maryam Mahmoudi, Abbas Rabiee A Complementary SVC-based Damping Controller Design Using Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm International Power System Conference(psc) پژوهشگاه نیرو, تهران, 2013-11-02 - 2013-11-04 |
بینالمللی |
4. Tohidi sajad, Abbas Rabiee, Parniani Mostafa Influence of Simplifications and Parameters on Small Signal Properties of the Grid Connected Fixed Speed Wind Turbine International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM) رم, Italy, 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-08 |
ملی معتبر |
3. Abbas Rabiee, Parniani Mostafa, Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, Tohidi sajad Optimal reactive power dispatch with the aim of maximization of the loading margin of network Iranian conference on electrical engineering(ICEE) دانشگاه آزاد اصفهان, ایرانق, 2010-02-24 - 2010-02-25 |
بینالمللی |
2. Mohammadi Ivatlou Behnam, Parniani Mostafa, Abbas Rabiee, Tohidi sajad Power system stabilization, using PSS with synchronized measurement data International Power System Conference(psc) پژوهشگاه نیرو, تهران, 2009-11-15 - 2009-11-18 |
بینالمللی |
1. Abbas Rabiee, Parniani Mostafa optimal reactive power dispatch, using the concept of dynamic var source value نامشخص خارجی کلگری, Canada, 2009-07-26 - 2009-07-30 |