view:9936 Last Update: 2024-4-15
داخلي-ISC | 5.
مليحه باباخاني، آسيه سامه
A Comparative Study of the Personality Components Effectiveness on Residential Satisfaction Case Study: Moghadam, Takhti & Hashemi Neighborhoods in Tehran
فصلنامه علمی- پژوهشي پژوهشهای بوم شناسی شهری دوره 13 شماره 26 (1401) صفحات 17-34. |
داخلي-ISC | 4.
آسيه سامه، مليحه باباخاني
Visual Assessment of Rural Landscapes Based on Qualitative Indicators Case Study: Villages of Alamut Region of Qazvin
نشريه نامه معماری و شهرسازی دوره 13 شماره 30 (1400) صفحات 81-98. |
International ISC | 3.
Asieh Sameh, Armin Bahramian, Mohsen Faizi
Saliency Cognition of Urban Monuments Based on Verbal Descriptions of Mental-Spatial Representations (Case Study: Urban Monuments in Qazvin) SPACE ONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (SOIJ) Vol. 9 Issue 2 (2020) PP. 9-24. |
داخلي-ISC | 2.
رضا سامه، آسيه سامه
Environmental and Landscape Origins:Stimulus of Rural Tourism Development
نشريه منظر - پژوهشکده نظر دوره 6 شماره 29 (1393) صفحات 40-45. |
داخلي-ISC | 1.
آسيه سامه، مهدي زنديه
Memory, Identity, Landscape, The role of landscape elements in the formation of the city's identity
نشريه منظر - پژوهشکده نظر دوره 1 شماره 3 (1388) صفحه 78. |
Presentations in Seminars & Conferences | |
International |
2. رضا سامه، آسیه سامه
Comparative Resarch Methodology in Architecture
1th National Conference on Research Methodology in Arts, Islamic Art University of Tabriz دانشگاه هنر تبریز, تبریز-ایران 1388. |
International |
1. آسيه سامه، يوسف گرجي مهلباني
Role of traditional arts in architectural design process
1st National Conference of the Forgotten Treasure of Iranian Arts (2007) فرهنگستان هنر- THE IRANIAN ACADEMY OF THE ARTS, تهران-ايران 1386. |