view:33617 Last Update: 2024-9-1
PhD : University of Isfahan, Iran, Business Management with Attitude of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management , 2011-2006 |
Thesis Title : Designing the Model of Effective Managerial and Organizational Factors on Administrative-Financial Corruption With Pathology in Governmental Organizations (Case Study: Governmental Organizations In Isfahan and Zanjan Provinces) |
Subject-class : The Model of Effective Managerial and Organizational Factors on Administrative-Financial Corruption |
Supervisor : Dr. Ali Atafar |
M.Sc : Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him) university- Tehran, IRAN, Industrial management , 2005-2002 |
Thesis Title : Determining of priority of effective factors on investment in industrial townships in Zanjan province by means of MADM approach |
Supervisor : Dr. Adel Azar |