view:61383 Last Update: 2024-3-2
Full member of Iranian Sociaty of Engineering Education
Member of "American Society of Thermal Fluids Engineering" (ASTFE)
Member of "SPH European Research Interest Community” (SPHERIC)
Member of "Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering" (ISME)
Reviewer of more thatn 105 manuscripts in:
Referee of “Physical Review Letters"
Referee of “Journal of Heat Transfer-ASME"
Referee of “International Journal of Hydrogen Energy"
Referee of “Applied Thermal Engineering"
Referee of “Microfluidics and Nanofluidics”
Referee of “International Journal of Thermal Sciences”
Referee of “Physical Review Applied”
Referee of “Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviewers”
Referee of “International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer”
Referee of “Physical Review E”
Referee of "Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids"
Referee of "Heat and Mass Transfer"
Referee of "Powder Technology"
Referee of "Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer"
Referee of "Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations"
Referee of "Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions of ASME"
Referee of "Microelectronics Journal"
Referee of "Heat Transfer Research"
Referee of "Canadian Journal of Physics"
Referee of "Advances in Mechanical Engineering"
Referee of "Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures"
Referee of "Scientia Iranica"
Reviewer of more than 100 manuscripts in:
Referee of "International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications"
Referee of “The Modares Journal of Mechanical Engineering” (ISC)
Referee of "Journal of Gas Processing"
Referee of "Journal of Modeling in Engineering"
Referee of "Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering"
Referee of "ISME Journal of Mechanical Engineering"