view:50720 Last Update: 2023-5-20
Course: M.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
8 | Mahshid Moradi | _SEPTEMBER 2016 | Mechanical Engineering | Instability Analysis of 3-phase 3D Dam Break Flow | Advisor |
7 | Javad Rahimi | February 2017 | Mechanical Engineering | Stress analysis of the secound stage rotor blade of the GTF9 turbine to avoid fraction due to thermal gradient | SuperVisor |
6 | Hossein rafii yekta | February 2017 | Mechanical Engineering | Investigation on the effect of the surface roughness on Convection heat transfer in power transformers' bobbins | Advisor |
5 | Mohammad Hadi Mohammadi | January 2017 | Mechanical Engineering | Linear stability analysis of the interfacial instability of non bousinessq stratified shear flow | SuperVisor |
4 | Zahra Mashhadi | September 2017 | Mechanical Engineering | Investigation of 3D bi-disperse turbidity current in an experimental channel using LES | SuperVisor |
3 | Morteza Khayyati | September 2017 | Mechanical Engineering | Theoretical and experimental investigation of the RTM and optimization of the injection time | SuperVisor |
2 | Armin Ansari | Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Three-Phase 3D Dam Break Flow | SuperVisor | ||
1 | Ali Koohandaz | Investigating the effect of obstacle on the deposition of particles in gravity current | SuperVisor |