view:32720 Last Update: 2023-4-4
Course: PhD
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
1 | Davoud Salarbashi | _JANUARY 2016 | Food Technology | Production of Bio-Nano composite film for packaging based on soybean soluble polysaccharides and determination of the physical ,rheological, mechanical, thermal, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties for use in food packaging | Advisor |
Course: M.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
5 | Roya Abdolahi-Dehkordi | October 2014 | Food Science and Technology | Preparation of bionanocomposite base on quince (Cydonia oblonga)–soy protoin isolate– nanocellulos: investigeting its physicochemical characterization | Advisor |
4 | Vahid Goudarzi | December 2016 | Food Technology | Production of starch-kefiran-TiO2 bionanocomposite by photopolymerization and investigation of its functional properties as an active food packaging. | SuperVisor |
3 | Faezeh Gohari | _FEBRUARY 2018 | Food Technology | Investigation of the stability of oleic acid-based nanoemulsion as a nutraceuticals nano-carrier | SuperVisor |
2 | Farough Khalifehzadeh | _FEBRUARY 2018 | Food Science and Technology | Perparation of polycaprolactone -TiO2 supramolecules by electrospinning method and investigation of its properlies as nano oxygen-scavenger and antimicrobial agent in active food packaging | SuperVisor |
1 | Amin Babaei-Ghazvini | July 2017 | Food Technology | Production and characterization of starch-kefiran-Zinc oxide bionanocomposite as a packaging film | SuperVisor |